Yeo Valley kefir review
Here we will give a hands-on review of Yeo Valley Kefir. In this review we have tested the natural, unflavoured version.
About kefir
Kefir is a fermented dairy drink which is made by adding kefir grains - full of different strains of bacteria - to milk. (There’s also non-dairy kefir, but we won’t get into that here.)
The result is a tangy dairy drink which is similar to yoghurt but more runny. It also has a lot more bacterial diversity than yoghurt does which makes it better for our gut.
Because of this diversity and increased microbial activity, kefir can sometimes taste a bit more ‘funky’ than yoghurt. Personally, I find it refreshing and addictive.
Kefir is a refreshing drink on its own or you can add it to cereal, yoghurt or dressings to increase your probiotic intake.
And because of the strong fermentation of the milk sugars, it is better for people with some degree of lactose intolerance.
Read more about the benefits of kefir and how it differs to yoghurt.
Ingredients of Yeo Valley kefir
This natural and unflavoured kefir only contains milk, and yoghurt and kefir cultures.
Benefits of Yeo Valley kefir
This organic kefir comes with various health benefits.
Bacterial diversity
Yeo Valley kefir has an impressive 14 strains of bacteria in it. This will provide your gut with a fantastic dose of bacterial diversity.
I was interested to see which strains were present but unfortunately they don’t give this information.
But ultimately 14 strains, whichever they are, is far better than yoghurt which would usually only have 2 strains present.
Other health benefits
This kefir is also a good source of:
protein - it is 4% protein
vitamin B2
The liquid resembles milk with maybe a slight yellow tinge.
The texture is like a runny yoghurt or milk with a thick mouthfeel.
Being unflavoured, the natural kefir taste really shines.
The aroma is very similar to that of yoghurt - slightly acidic and milky.
The taste is quite similar to yoghurt also and doesn’t have the funky notes which some kefirs do. There’s not too much else to say about the taste; essentially it is a nice, refreshing and slightly acidic milky drink which is very approachable.
And because of this somewhat neutral taste, you could easily add it to things like cereal without affecting the flavour too much, while also getting more probiotics in your diet.
Cost of Yeo Valley kefir
I bought a 500ml bottle from a big Sainsbury’s for £2.25 (or £1.75 with a Nectar card).
Personally I think this is great value for a quality product.
4.75 stars out of 5.
A natural, organic kefir with fantastic microbial diversity and great taste for a good price.
natural and organic
14 strains of bacteria
refreshing taste
very approachable to people new to kefir
high in protein, calcium and other minerals and vitamins
more information on the bacterial strains present would be good
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Your reviewer
This article was reviewed by Travis - learn more about me!