Woolworths high protein plain yoghurt review
Here we will give a hands-on, taste-tested review of Woolworths high protein plain yoghurt. We’ll look into the benefits, ingredients, nutrition and flavour of this Woolworths own-brand yoghurt.
This yoghurt is available in Woolworths stores in Australia.
Ingredients of Woolworths high protein plain yoghurt
This is a very simple and clean yoghurt with only three ingredients: skim milk, skim milk solids and live cultures.
It doesn’t contain any additives like thickeners, sweeteners or flavourings. And unlike Woolworths Greek style yoghurt it doesn’t use milk powders.
So full marks so far!
Benefits of Woolworths high protein plain yoghurt
This yoghurt comes with various health benefits you would expect from a plain yoghurt. It also has some impressive figures around protein and fat levels.
For context, we’ll compare a few key factors against Woolworths Greek style yoghurt and Chobani Greek yoghurt which is another high-protein yoghurt.
Live cultures
This yoghurt contains at least four live bacterial cultures - Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium (species unspecified).
For comparison, Woolworths Greek style also includes four strains of live cultures and Chobani includes five.
In terms of the amount of actual live cultures present (ie colony forming units), Woolworth high protein yoghurt gives no information - which Chobani also does. In contrast, there are a minimum of 100 million CFU per 100g in Woolworths Greek style yoghurt.
Read more about the benefits of probiotic foods.
Postbiotics are essentially things probiotics produce during fermentation. These include healthy short-chain fatty acids which nourish our gut lining and may help reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Other health measures
Fat: This yoghurt has very low fat levels at less than 1%. Whereas Woolworths Greek style has 7.6% and Chobani has 4%. This level of fat is among the lowest of all yoghurt we have tested.
Protein: Its protein content is also very good at 9.4% - which is even higher than the protein-focused Chobani at 8.6% and nearly double Woolworths Greek style (5%).
Calcium: Its calcium content is moderate at 133mg per 100g - which is below Woolworths Greek style (189mg), but above Chobani (100mg).
As the picture above shows, it maintains a very ridged and irregular shape in the bowl - more so than most other yoghurts we’ve tested. This suggests it is going to be very thick.
The texture is indeed very thick - but not in a nice creamy way (like Lyttos or Tamar Valley) because of its low fat content.
The aroma is subtle with a bit of pongy cheese coming through.
Taste is unfortunately where this yoghurt falls down. I can best describe the taste as ‘empty’. There’s just not much going on except a subtle slightly unpleasant funky cheese characteristic. There’s a moderate acidity which seems strange without it being balanced by the richness of some fat.
The texture is odd. It is thick as you would want, but again without the fat it’s just underwhelming.
Overall, the taste isn’t awful by any means - just quite unsatisfying.
Because of its impressive high protein and low fat content, this yoghurt does have some great uses. I’d suggest using it in smoothies or on cereal where the taste can disappear amid other flavours.
But having it on its own or with a little fruit on top is not going to be very enjoyable.
Cost of Woolworths high protein plain yoghurt
You can buy a 900g tub from Woolworths for $6.
3.75 stars out of 5.
A simple, clean yoghurt with great protein and fat levels, but the taste is a let down.
very high in protein
very low in fat
four strains of live cultures
unsatisfying taste
doesn’t have a creamy texture
needs more information on the actual amount of live cultures it contains (ie colony forming units)
Health benefits of yoghurt
Aside from the specific benefits listed above, especially related to probiotics and postbiotics, yoghurt has some other important health benefits.
Vitamins and minerals
Yoghurt is a source of various vitamins and minerals including:
calcium - which helps digestion and supports bone and teeth health
magnesium - which supports bone health, muscle function and energy production
phosphorus - which is important for bone and teeth health and energy metabolism
potassium - which supports heart, muscle, nerve and kidney health
vitamins B2 and B12 - which support immunity, energy production and cell and nerve function
vitamin A - supports vision, immune function, cell growth and healthy skin
Satiety and weight management
The high protein and low carbohydrate content in yogurt, especially Greek style yogurt, helps you feel fuller for longer which can help control your appetite. Greek yoghurt is often recommended by dietitians for this reason.
Reduced lactose
Compared to unfermented dairy products such as milk, yoghurt has lower levels of lactose as this is partially consumed by bacteria during the fermentation process. This makes it more digestible for people who have some degree of lactose intolerance.
Your reviewer
This article was reviewed by Travis, the founder of this website, long-time gut enthusiast and passionate kombucha maker!